サブスク総再生回数3億回越え、Z世代の等身大を歌う“サブスク世代の歌姫”。 その音楽性のレンジの広さと女子から圧倒的な支持を獲得し続けている歌詞世界は唯一無二。 MIREI is the alluring and dauntless voice from Japan using modern pop bangers to call attention to what you may have never known if you were not living in Tokyo. At 24 years old, her English-language debut Take Me Away garnered massive support from fans and media around the world. TikTok(JPN) https://www.tiktok.com/@touyamamirei Instagram(JPN) https://www.instagram.com/touyamamirei/?hl=ja Twitter(JPN) https://twitter.com/teammirei?s=20 Official Web Site(JPN) https://touyamamirei.com/ Instagram (ENG) https://www.instagram.com/mireinyc/ TikTok (ENG) https://www.tiktok.com/@mireinyc Official Site (ENG) https://mireinyc.com/ (引用元)